Friday, May 7, 2010

What a Taurus LOVES :)

since it's THAT time of the year,when our lovely,sensuous Taureans were born,let's focus on what makes them tick :)

1.Affection-hold their hand,kiss them ,cuddle and hug.Taureans need to feel the tangible,they need to lie beside a real person at night.Daydreamers are not their thing.And however much affection they get,they're always greedy for more of it!Focus on the neck area and throat,because those are their...uhh...g-points!! [kidding... Taurus rules the neck and throat,the larynx ,etc. of the body].Taureans are erotic creatures[no wonder they're so attracted to their opposite,sexy Scorpio!],and can always be coaxed into getting passionate about passion,and though they don't wear their hearts on their sleeves,they are extremely romantic.[has a Taurus called you "honey" gently? It's a feeling of bliss,not just because of their buttery soft voices,but also because you'll be hearing those words very rarely!And it's second only to the "honey" of the Scorpio male].Taureans don't talk mush ,but are pretty straightforward about "it"["kiss me honey,and see what happens"-linda goodman,on the Taurus male :P]. But they seek comfort and softness in love,in spite of their earthy nature.Remember,the symbol of Taurus is the baby[see older posts if you don't know],so they love being held and squeezed gently-which is often,the easiest ,and only way to break down their stubborn defenses- and don't seek a nagging,screaming,full-of-drama partner. Taurus wants exciting and sexy,but only up to a point!

Another thing about Taureans is that ,no matter how well things are going,they get bored.Settled into their comfort zone[which,in non-Taurean language,means they become indifferent].But don't get me wrong,Taurus likes the word "permanent" but only when they've reached 30 or so.Prior to that,they're busy giggling,flirting or scoring.They will [ok,the Taurus male will.The females are more sensitive] lose interest in things which they aren't concerned with.

2.Food- They like food.In fact,they love it.But only when it's rich and homey and perfectly cooked[Taureans have it in them to become food critics or gourmet chefs -I know because my mother's a Taurus and BOY can she cook!].So tons of comfort food makes these delicious darlings very pleased indeed! But they need to know where to draw the line,because Taureans have very robust digestive systems which rarely give them trouble when they overeat.So they should follow the rhythmic cycles of the earth while eating [cold in summer,hot in winter] because they are earth signs.

3.Money-It turns them on.They're practical people,and money looks good to them,because of the comforts it brings.That's why Taureans work-because money can buy them the lazy boy chair they recline in after a hard day's work,reading the stock reports and sipping beer with peanuts, after which they have a nice big meal [which,also,money buys] after which they sleep [like babies-pun intended.] in soft silk sheets[okay,maybe cotton-but i can bet ,not synthetic! Taureans only wear/use natural fabrics which feel good.Comfort comes first,bling comes later!],pillows of the softest goose feathers-all bought by money.

4.Nature- They're earth signs,[but they're more indulgent than the other two earth signs,Virgo and Capricorn] so they are very attached to nature,which can actually be therapeutic for them when their practical,money-making nerves take a toll on them.Being close to nature,and away from the urban noise and commotion, refreshes their spirit,just the way water and swimming rejuvenates the water signs, Scorpio,Pisces and Cancer.

Apart from that,your Taurus partner wants someone original,someone real,not phony.Taureans aren't complicated people,and are rarely interested in spending their valuable energy playing games.They are straight forward people,and while they do like a bit of mystery in their partners,they aren't the types who want people to mess with their heads!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cancer [the crab,not the disease :)]

Deep and sensitive they are,but Cancerians, belonging to the water element, may just appear to be snappy and crabby.It all depends on how YOU treat them,and the lunar calendar! Apart from the phases of moodiness and crankiness,Cancerians are funny[believe me ,they have the BEST expressions and The BEST stories to tell...or maybe it's just they way they tell them!] and motherly people to be around [even if they're men,they'll ensure you're well taken care of!].As for their moodiness and slightly temperamental nature,cancerians are like that only because CANCER reflects the feelings of those around her[cancer is a feminine sign] a rude and cranky person with bad vibes will be treated just like that-with a snap! And if you're being nice,and are still subject to the crabbiness,then blame it on the moon,because their moods and emotions are affected by the phases of the moon-so get an almanac and keep track of what the moon's up to.
Cancer is a Cardinal sign,which means they make good leaders.They may not be bossy,but they have that knack of directing people to follow their lead[ sounds confusing? Fixed signs[taurus ,scorpio,leo and aquarius],direct people-that is,delegate and organize,while Cardinal signs inspire people to follow them] with gentle advice and caring.They encourage and smother others,and make very devoted parents,and very possessive lovers[possessive-not jealous].
Cancerians are usually very very attached to their mothers,and families-and tend to cling on to old memories which they associate with the warmth and familiarity of home. There's nothing like Mama's cooking and love,and presence,and smile,and the way she tucks you in at night and the lullabies she used to sing you to sleep.[you can see that this could be a problem for future partners of a cancerian-living up to the image of "MAMA".]
The thing with Cancerians is,they may be loving and caring,but they won't love and care for every second person they see.Nor will they show kindness and sympathy to any odd stranger-but Cancer does indeed have a lot of sympathy for the orphaned[no Mama?!],the poor[no MONEY??!],the homeless[no HOME??!].Then again,Cancer doesn't like parting with money,so they may lack a truly generous spirit.Oh,did I mention they like money?Well,they do.And they usually tuck it away in banks,in the dresser,under their pillow,in a safe,etc,etc,etc.-but never,ever,do they throw it away like it's made of paper[which it is,but try telling them that.Go on,try.].Which is a good enough thing,because Cancer doesn't like wasting things or throwing away what has been earned with so much hard work.
Cancer likes seeing green,and i don't just mean the money.They enjoy,and are good at gardening.They also make good cooks,because they love feeding others and making them feel loved and happy.It's Cancer's way of giving back the love and appreciation they receive,because they can't be as warm and affectionate as their emotions make them feel[compared to fire and earth signs] because they belong to the water element,which,albeit deep,is a tad cold ,compared to earth and fire.Another reason they can't show love and appreciation is because they're suspicious that the love coming their way is not true,because they're not good enough,or pretty enough,or smart enough-and how can you respond to feelings which are not true[according to Cancer]? So Cancer needs to be told how lovely,funny,pretty,sweet,smart and good they are on a daily basis.
I have,in my experience ,noticed one thing about Cancerians which is contrary to their so-called,seemingly, "sappy" nature :They always give their best and use whatever strengths,assets,abilities and intelligence they have to their fullest.They have an indestructible crabshell spirit and determination which makes them braver and better than all the rest of us-only because they know how to push it and give it their all,which none of the other sun signs can.Not even Scorpio,Taurus,or Capricorn, with their steely will power and stubborn determination.
Just be good to them and take care of them.Even the men.Cancer loves being mothered ;) And tell them they're beautiful people-because they are.
Colours- Lavender,sliver gray,light green,pale yellow.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentine's Day Special

Aries woman-Aries man: An Aries male will always live up to what is expected of him,in a good and in a bad way.And an Aries female will always feel the desire to take the lead and be in charge,independent and brave.But since they both have rash tempers, a rather selfish attitude,and JEALOUSY in common, they should remember the Golden Rule: do unto another,as you would have another do unto you.And also that,a woman's place may no longer be inside the home,but it will always be in her man's heart,because this relationship can work without both of them sacrificing their courage,initiative and independence.
Aries woman-Taurus man:This relationship will definitely be an educational experience for the Aries female.They may quarrel about money.And she may think he's immovable and stuffy not mention STUBBORN.But she must remember that if a Taurus man is handled gently,with a decent amount of consideration,he'll put up with her mistakes and tempers with solid love,and sheer patience and devotion.She'll provide the ideas and energy while he provides the stability and security in this relationship.But it's best if she doesn't push her Taurus man too far,because he may just erupt into boiling Taurus anger if things like her extravagance,forcefulness and impulsiveness.This man will be a gift for her,most content when he's been graced with a warm hug,a sweet smile and lots of kisses.And if she's lucky,she'll count her blessings before it's too late.
Aries man-Taurus woman-Lot's of affection,plenty of ambition,honesty and the guarantee of financial security are the four ways to her heart.An Aries male will provide all of these,except the last,maybe.They may frequently quarrel over money and whether to live in the heart of the city[him] or countryside[her].Their physical relationship ,however,will be smugly satisfying.Also,he may sometimes find her stuffy and undemonstrative because of her straightforward approach to physical love,but he should remember that this woman is a die hard romantic sentimentalist,so he had better remember their anniversary date and bring her fresh flowers on Valentine's day.And she had better listen while he does his favourite thing-talk about himself.He may be selfish and spoiled but he's also open-hearted ,direct and friendly ,and she may be stubborn,but she exudes a placid mystique that can be deliciously relaxing for her Aries man.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

About predictions and Karma

Here's the thing- we all make our own future. We all decide,unconsciously,through our actions,what's going to become of us in the coming years. So ,don't ask me to predict anything.I won't,and can't.Because YOU are making your own destiny,and writing each line of fate yourself.I can just read your birth chart and tell you what you're capable of doing,and which areas are best for you to contribute in.We all come to this Earth with a purpose,and I can help you,astrologically,to identify your purpose.I cannot tell you who you'll get married to,how many marks you'll get,what the outcome of a cricket match will be,or when you're going to die.Sorry.Most people who claim to know the answers to these are frauds.But very,very few are actually gifted and can see the future.But there is no point knowing the future.Live in the present,it's all you've got.The future will come when it has to,but if you use your present well,then the future will be much nicer than what your fake newspaper horoscope says. ;)You'll only do well in your exams if you've studied,you'll get love if you've given it unconditionally ,and so on.There's nothing to predict here. :)
It has something to do with this thing called KARMA.We all have it.It can be good or bad,or both,and it affects some people more strongly than it affects others.
The planets Saturn,Jupiter,Neptune,Uranus have a lot to do with past life connections and karma,as do the numbers 8,29,11,22,etc.If you were born on any of these dates,then your actions in your past life will have an influence in this lifetime ,as well.
More about karma and what it is- Sometimes,we feel an unexplained hatred or dislike towards some people,even though we're meeting them for the first time.Or sometimes,people we have never had any ill-will towards show contempt towards us,or we sense them giving a bad vibe to us.This a result of karma. We feel the way we do because we've met in a previous lifetime,and,chances were,we weren't exactly best friends then . What happens is this: Previous lifetime:john hurts mary.mary bears the grudge and doesn't forgive John.Present lifetime:John and Mary meet again,but as different people,but the same soul.And the soul remembers.the souls recognise each other. Mary hurts John this time,for reasons unknown to her conscious mind,but obvious to her subconscious,which remembers everything. Next lifetime: They meet again[poor souls! but they can't get rid of one another unless they stop the hurting!] and this time John hurts mary back. This goes on and on. It's a vicious chain,a cycle which can only be broken if they submerge the self ,and FORGIVE each other.Only that will break this karmic chain forever.Forgiving and truly forgetting.That is the purpose of astrology.Letting Mary know the importance of forgiving,so that John doesn't chase her with a pickax in the next lifetime ,simply because he doesn't like her face[or so he thinks].Think about how much trouble astrology saves.
If you have more questions,post them as comments,and i'll be happy to answer :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Gemini-The Twins
First of all,each Gemini is not one person,but two people in one body.There are no "good" or "bad" sides to their confusing personality-there's just two of them! And whether you think they're good or bad,is entirely your perspective,is what these glib and clever Geminis will have you believe.You will be forced to give in ,in any battle of wits involving a Gemini[unless you're a twisted Libra yourself!],because there's nothing they can't convince you of! Gemini's mind is built like that of an ace salesman:super-quick and super-clever.
The expressions on a Gemini's face change like the lights in a discotheque,and their alert ,quick moving eyes ,are a great way of recognizing them.Expressive and intelligent,Geminis fall in love with the mind ,not body.Intellectual compatibility is more important to them than both emotional and physical compatibility,because it is very difficult to comprehend and satisfy the emotional needs of the Gemini twins
Geminis like multi tasking-in fact,for them ,it's almost a compulsion-they need to iron their clothes,gossip on the phone,watch tv,and feed the dog at the SAME time,because there are only twenty four hours in a day,and there is so much that these busybodies need to do! Life is a game for them,and the Gemini player never wants to grow up; they want to roam around like free birds,and dance their way through life,letting their glib mouth save them from anything which tries to tear their precious freedom robe. Geminis are essentially extroverts,deriving energy and happiness from others,but sometimes also from their twin self.Though they are forever fascinated with the outside environment,the only one who knows them well ,is the other twin half of their personality.
Geminis are excellent communicators,and are very expressive people,be it through dance,writing or speech.Geminis also like talking -sometimes adding brightly coloured lies to facts to make life more interesting,better known as gossip. So if you want the exact truth,don't go to a Gemini,because you'll only get spicy,exaggerated versions of the truth.This excellent creativity of theirs doesn't always manifest itself while gossiping,but also in other areas,like art and design.Geminis are great at colouring the world with their beautiful imagination,and making it a brighter place to live in.
Geminis are always little children at heart,and being an Air sign,they want to roam free,and do whatever interests their restless mind there and then.You can fly with them,but be prepared for a fall,once they change their mind ,about five seconds later.You won't even be able to blame them,because they have excuses for everything,which they offer so charmingly,one would have to have a heart of stone to refuse to accept them.
That's another thing about Gemini-their charm.You can't possibly resist it.
Geminis are usually candid,and they say what they think very frankly,but also get away with it with great ease because of their charm and their smooth tongue.
Their versatility and adaptability are great assets ,and they call upon these two to solve a lot of their problems.
But when none of these work ,and Gemini loses his temper[gemini is a masculine sign,but Mercury the planetary ruler ,keeps changing from male to female,to confuse onlookers even more],he doesn't get angry and shout.Gemini uses cold and cutting sarcasm.This can genuinely hurt others,because they wonder "why can' t he or she say what they really think?"
Because they're poetic dreamers,and they can NEVER say exactly what they're feeling.
But Gemini needs to learn to really FEEL things,not just flow through life like a breeze, as Geminis are not very deep or emotional.In fact,it would be quite fair to call them shallow or superficial.Even selfish.Also moody and unreliable.A restless double-talker,the self-deceptive Gemini spirit is also mentally alert,flexible ,quickly perceptive and spontaneously bright.

Colours-light yellow,pearl gray ,light green and silver.
Compatible with- Libra,Aquarius,Leo,Aries.Opposite-Sagittarius[love-hate relationship]. Might get involved with Scorpios sometimes.