Saturday, January 16, 2010

About predictions and Karma

Here's the thing- we all make our own future. We all decide,unconsciously,through our actions,what's going to become of us in the coming years. So ,don't ask me to predict anything.I won't,and can't.Because YOU are making your own destiny,and writing each line of fate yourself.I can just read your birth chart and tell you what you're capable of doing,and which areas are best for you to contribute in.We all come to this Earth with a purpose,and I can help you,astrologically,to identify your purpose.I cannot tell you who you'll get married to,how many marks you'll get,what the outcome of a cricket match will be,or when you're going to die.Sorry.Most people who claim to know the answers to these are frauds.But very,very few are actually gifted and can see the future.But there is no point knowing the future.Live in the present,it's all you've got.The future will come when it has to,but if you use your present well,then the future will be much nicer than what your fake newspaper horoscope says. ;)You'll only do well in your exams if you've studied,you'll get love if you've given it unconditionally ,and so on.There's nothing to predict here. :)
It has something to do with this thing called KARMA.We all have it.It can be good or bad,or both,and it affects some people more strongly than it affects others.
The planets Saturn,Jupiter,Neptune,Uranus have a lot to do with past life connections and karma,as do the numbers 8,29,11,22,etc.If you were born on any of these dates,then your actions in your past life will have an influence in this lifetime ,as well.
More about karma and what it is- Sometimes,we feel an unexplained hatred or dislike towards some people,even though we're meeting them for the first time.Or sometimes,people we have never had any ill-will towards show contempt towards us,or we sense them giving a bad vibe to us.This a result of karma. We feel the way we do because we've met in a previous lifetime,and,chances were,we weren't exactly best friends then . What happens is this: Previous lifetime:john hurts mary.mary bears the grudge and doesn't forgive John.Present lifetime:John and Mary meet again,but as different people,but the same soul.And the soul remembers.the souls recognise each other. Mary hurts John this time,for reasons unknown to her conscious mind,but obvious to her subconscious,which remembers everything. Next lifetime: They meet again[poor souls! but they can't get rid of one another unless they stop the hurting!] and this time John hurts mary back. This goes on and on. It's a vicious chain,a cycle which can only be broken if they submerge the self ,and FORGIVE each other.Only that will break this karmic chain forever.Forgiving and truly forgetting.That is the purpose of astrology.Letting Mary know the importance of forgiving,so that John doesn't chase her with a pickax in the next lifetime ,simply because he doesn't like her face[or so he thinks].Think about how much trouble astrology saves.
If you have more questions,post them as comments,and i'll be happy to answer :)

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