Friday, May 7, 2010

What a Taurus LOVES :)

since it's THAT time of the year,when our lovely,sensuous Taureans were born,let's focus on what makes them tick :)

1.Affection-hold their hand,kiss them ,cuddle and hug.Taureans need to feel the tangible,they need to lie beside a real person at night.Daydreamers are not their thing.And however much affection they get,they're always greedy for more of it!Focus on the neck area and throat,because those are their...uhh...g-points!! [kidding... Taurus rules the neck and throat,the larynx ,etc. of the body].Taureans are erotic creatures[no wonder they're so attracted to their opposite,sexy Scorpio!],and can always be coaxed into getting passionate about passion,and though they don't wear their hearts on their sleeves,they are extremely romantic.[has a Taurus called you "honey" gently? It's a feeling of bliss,not just because of their buttery soft voices,but also because you'll be hearing those words very rarely!And it's second only to the "honey" of the Scorpio male].Taureans don't talk mush ,but are pretty straightforward about "it"["kiss me honey,and see what happens"-linda goodman,on the Taurus male :P]. But they seek comfort and softness in love,in spite of their earthy nature.Remember,the symbol of Taurus is the baby[see older posts if you don't know],so they love being held and squeezed gently-which is often,the easiest ,and only way to break down their stubborn defenses- and don't seek a nagging,screaming,full-of-drama partner. Taurus wants exciting and sexy,but only up to a point!

Another thing about Taureans is that ,no matter how well things are going,they get bored.Settled into their comfort zone[which,in non-Taurean language,means they become indifferent].But don't get me wrong,Taurus likes the word "permanent" but only when they've reached 30 or so.Prior to that,they're busy giggling,flirting or scoring.They will [ok,the Taurus male will.The females are more sensitive] lose interest in things which they aren't concerned with.

2.Food- They like food.In fact,they love it.But only when it's rich and homey and perfectly cooked[Taureans have it in them to become food critics or gourmet chefs -I know because my mother's a Taurus and BOY can she cook!].So tons of comfort food makes these delicious darlings very pleased indeed! But they need to know where to draw the line,because Taureans have very robust digestive systems which rarely give them trouble when they overeat.So they should follow the rhythmic cycles of the earth while eating [cold in summer,hot in winter] because they are earth signs.

3.Money-It turns them on.They're practical people,and money looks good to them,because of the comforts it brings.That's why Taureans work-because money can buy them the lazy boy chair they recline in after a hard day's work,reading the stock reports and sipping beer with peanuts, after which they have a nice big meal [which,also,money buys] after which they sleep [like babies-pun intended.] in soft silk sheets[okay,maybe cotton-but i can bet ,not synthetic! Taureans only wear/use natural fabrics which feel good.Comfort comes first,bling comes later!],pillows of the softest goose feathers-all bought by money.

4.Nature- They're earth signs,[but they're more indulgent than the other two earth signs,Virgo and Capricorn] so they are very attached to nature,which can actually be therapeutic for them when their practical,money-making nerves take a toll on them.Being close to nature,and away from the urban noise and commotion, refreshes their spirit,just the way water and swimming rejuvenates the water signs, Scorpio,Pisces and Cancer.

Apart from that,your Taurus partner wants someone original,someone real,not phony.Taureans aren't complicated people,and are rarely interested in spending their valuable energy playing games.They are straight forward people,and while they do like a bit of mystery in their partners,they aren't the types who want people to mess with their heads!

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