Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cancer [the crab,not the disease :)]

Deep and sensitive they are,but Cancerians, belonging to the water element, may just appear to be snappy and crabby.It all depends on how YOU treat them,and the lunar calendar! Apart from the phases of moodiness and crankiness,Cancerians are funny[believe me ,they have the BEST expressions and The BEST stories to tell...or maybe it's just they way they tell them!] and motherly people to be around [even if they're men,they'll ensure you're well taken care of!].As for their moodiness and slightly temperamental nature,cancerians are like that only because CANCER reflects the feelings of those around her[cancer is a feminine sign] a rude and cranky person with bad vibes will be treated just like that-with a snap! And if you're being nice,and are still subject to the crabbiness,then blame it on the moon,because their moods and emotions are affected by the phases of the moon-so get an almanac and keep track of what the moon's up to.
Cancer is a Cardinal sign,which means they make good leaders.They may not be bossy,but they have that knack of directing people to follow their lead[ sounds confusing? Fixed signs[taurus ,scorpio,leo and aquarius],direct people-that is,delegate and organize,while Cardinal signs inspire people to follow them] with gentle advice and caring.They encourage and smother others,and make very devoted parents,and very possessive lovers[possessive-not jealous].
Cancerians are usually very very attached to their mothers,and families-and tend to cling on to old memories which they associate with the warmth and familiarity of home. There's nothing like Mama's cooking and love,and presence,and smile,and the way she tucks you in at night and the lullabies she used to sing you to sleep.[you can see that this could be a problem for future partners of a cancerian-living up to the image of "MAMA".]
The thing with Cancerians is,they may be loving and caring,but they won't love and care for every second person they see.Nor will they show kindness and sympathy to any odd stranger-but Cancer does indeed have a lot of sympathy for the orphaned[no Mama?!],the poor[no MONEY??!],the homeless[no HOME??!].Then again,Cancer doesn't like parting with money,so they may lack a truly generous spirit.Oh,did I mention they like money?Well,they do.And they usually tuck it away in banks,in the dresser,under their pillow,in a safe,etc,etc,etc.-but never,ever,do they throw it away like it's made of paper[which it is,but try telling them that.Go on,try.].Which is a good enough thing,because Cancer doesn't like wasting things or throwing away what has been earned with so much hard work.
Cancer likes seeing green,and i don't just mean the money.They enjoy,and are good at gardening.They also make good cooks,because they love feeding others and making them feel loved and happy.It's Cancer's way of giving back the love and appreciation they receive,because they can't be as warm and affectionate as their emotions make them feel[compared to fire and earth signs] because they belong to the water element,which,albeit deep,is a tad cold ,compared to earth and fire.Another reason they can't show love and appreciation is because they're suspicious that the love coming their way is not true,because they're not good enough,or pretty enough,or smart enough-and how can you respond to feelings which are not true[according to Cancer]? So Cancer needs to be told how lovely,funny,pretty,sweet,smart and good they are on a daily basis.
I have,in my experience ,noticed one thing about Cancerians which is contrary to their so-called,seemingly, "sappy" nature :They always give their best and use whatever strengths,assets,abilities and intelligence they have to their fullest.They have an indestructible crabshell spirit and determination which makes them braver and better than all the rest of us-only because they know how to push it and give it their all,which none of the other sun signs can.Not even Scorpio,Taurus,or Capricorn, with their steely will power and stubborn determination.
Just be good to them and take care of them.Even the men.Cancer loves being mothered ;) And tell them they're beautiful people-because they are.
Colours- Lavender,sliver gray,light green,pale yellow.

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