Friday, December 4, 2009

Astrologize your life !

Just post in your name, birth date,birth time and place of birth for your zodiac analysis,free of cost. [does not include full horoscope]. Just post in your question[s] and the analysis you want-name numerology,birth numerology,astrological analysis,relationship and compatibility,or just general queries regarding astrology, and i shall try my best to solve them. :)


  1. akanksha Priyam

    10th may 1991

    3:10 A.m.

    Bhagalpur, Bihar

    Question:Will i be a successful business woman? or Will i be able to do good in politics? or should i pursue a career in Music and Arts?

  2. music and arts are definitely good for you,because taureans are artistically inclined and do well in fields like music,painting,etc. they know how to appreciate nature because taurus rules the five senses-vision[colours],smell,hearing[music],taste[food] and touch. so they are very sensitive to nature and have fine tuned hearing abilities[hence good at music and can appreciate it better than others]. however,taurus is very materialistic, and seeks security in life,so likes money and is good at handling money.therefore,taureans make good bankers and business will be HAPPIER performing,because- 1.all taureans,either aspire to be singers,are singers,or love music, and're number is 1 and thus you enjoy performing and like dramatics,and have a lot of confidence when it comes to give music and arts a chance ,definitely. business will also be good,because you have an affinity for cash[all things green,you know,trees,money,]

  3. Neha Sanjay
    D.O.B- Feb 13, 1991
    Time- 3:37 p.m.
    Place- Patna(Bihar)

    Que.-->How will I fare in my class 12 boards??? and is a career as a clinical psychologist good for me???

  4. a career as a clinical psychologist would be interesting for YOU,but you'll not be able to relate to,or FEEL for your'll just treat them as objects to be examined,and since your moon and sun are in aquarius,and your number is also 4,the number of aquarius, you might appear to be aloof and slightly detached ,and rather unfeeling to your patients,though you WILL be friendly,but not exactly warm.if you work hard and not get distracted or daydream[an aquarius tendency],you will definitely do well.Aquarius is ,by far,the best mind of the zodiac.These people are exetremely intelligent,though pay attention to the details,and trust your intellect-it's the best thing about you.You have three aquarius position,and ur secondary number[including year of birth,month,etc] is 8[which makes you disciplined and industrious,a necessity,to control your aquarian madness!],so you would do VERY well in research-especially RESEARCH in clinical psych. would be great,but not treating patients directly,because your behaviour can be erratic[so u might wake up one fine morning and decide not to treat anyone because something else has caught your eye, a psychologist, you can't possibly do that with patients who are insane],and you aren't a sensitive person by nature,so you can't really RELATE with other people,or think and feel like them,so that will pose quite a problem.however,the human mind is incredibly fascinating for you,so studying this subject will definitely not bore for the bad parts,you can always TRY to put yourself in another's place .it'll come with practice.treat your patients like actual people with feeling,not things you're fascinated by and want to do some study on,and things will be fine.If you really want to do it,then it doesn't matter .Aquarius has the inventiveness and the brains to do almost ANYTHING on earth :)

  5. thanks...its shit scary and real!!!!...and what abt my boards????

  6. i need the dates of your board exams for that...and your roll number.but remember one thing:there's no replacement for hard work in ,especially with you,because you have a number 8 influence.Saturn keeps posing challenges to you,but it also makes you stronger in the process,and prepares you for the world.and your number is four,so you are very intelligent,just scatter brained,so take care of the details while studying and don't get dreamy or off topic or distracted.and next year is the year of number 3[2+0+1+0=3],ruled by jupiter,so be truthful and honest in your intentions and in activity,and everything will take care of itself.:)

  7. nikhil


    3:30 am

    bhagalpur,bihar first question is certainly goin to be on my carrear.........i feel i m never goin to compete the iit (i m vry honest wen i say dis)....wot do my stars say?

  8. all capricorns feel that they'll NEVER be able to do ANYTHING!which is rubbish. see,you're very ambitious and determined as a person,and also pretty disciplined,so iit should not be a are commanding by nature, and a take-control kind of personality,so investigative,political,religious or medical careers will be really good for you.doing a desk job and taking someone else's orders is not your thing at all.but think about one thing:why are you doing iit? because of the MONEY.that's the wrong way of looking at things,and the wrong reason for choosing a career what makes you happy and what you're best at.[it's pretty much useless telling you this,because capricorns love money,but i'm still saying it because it's what i'm supposed to say].also,capricorns are always born with a special talent[hrithik-dancing,alabhya-singing,atal bihari vajpayee-poetry,and so on.],so take time to cultivate your talents-it may well be what makes you really famous one day. and don't get depressed because of pressure from other people-and don't pressurize yourself,either!this is a typical thing which happens to Capricorns,so don't let it get you can definitely do anything you really,really,want to-according to your birth just have to figure out WHAT you really want to do.see,according to your horoscope,you aren't very intelligent as such,but you're intelligence is purely out of hard work-so,you've CULTIVATED your intelligence by slogging.IIT is something you will be able to do if you can push yourself enough-but you'll really have to work a lot. here's a non-astrological suggestion-why aren't you doing FMS[delhi]?it's placements are as good as the iims! i suggest you think it over,or at least look it up on google.

  9. shrishti singh




    i want to take part in active politics after arnd will it b for me out thr

  10. politics,according to your birthchart,is not the best field for you.Not that you can't do something just because of astrology,but there are things you will enjoy more and will be better do have two gemini influences,which means you can get away from uncomfortable situations with great ease,and are extremely clever and witty.but you aren't a strategist as such,and politics might bore you,even tire're a leo,so you like to be in the limelight,and politics could give you a platform for that,but the limelight is not reason enough to get into're good at convincing others,and can use the gemini influences to cunningly persuade and debate.but creative fields would be best for you.try to figure out where your creativity lies, and cultivate probably like travelling ,or enjoy a change of scene,so journalism would not be a bad option.but even if you don't ,then politics might just be a good option: obama and clinton are both ,leos are great at making speeches:).but,according to your birthchart,you aren't extremely ambitious,just an intelligent,fair and sincere person,not to mention,immensely creative.politics needs ambition,and your goals are changeable-you like being candid and frank,but you can exaggerate sometimes,adding colour to your words,so that could work for you,should you get into politics.
    but,as far as i know,politics is a dirty game,and number 6 people don't like anything that's dirty-they play fair,and injustice,poverty,and ugliness depresses them.leos are glamorous people and they like attention,however,to attain that fame in politics can take a long time and can be very,you need to be committed to your goal if you really want to do this,because it's not going to be easy-or fun.but if you really want to do it,the stars don't it's worth a try.

  11. hey..pre-board dates are out...tell me what my stars say...

    06th jan- economics
    08th jan- pol. sc.
    12th jan- eng.
    14th jan- accountancy
    19th jan- business studies
    21st jan- accountancy practicals

    my b'day- feb 13th, 1991
    time- 3:37 p.m.
    place- patna

    thanks in advance!!!you're doing a great job!!! :)

  12. business studies looks a bit study well for that....and also for,because it's on 8th,so you need to have worked hard to do well on an 8th.....i see u don't have any exam on the 13th...pity...that would have been good...but everything else looks fine.just study and go.pol. sc. paper will be tough,i think...and the english paper will be either very long or very comprehensive-which means you might have to write a lot.try to be quick and clever,and use your wits for accountancy on 14th. write the economics paper using LOGIC,not just what you've studied.......that's all i can say for now...

  13. u talked about compatibility.....which kind of girl do u thnk i m compatible with?

  14. name-Vishal Bhaskar
    birth date-4th february,1992
    i've got three questions for you,
    1.My 12th boards are in march,2010 how will i fare in the exams?
    2.What career options are the best for me?
    3.when will i find true love in my life?any hints for identifyng her?what kind of a girl am i compatible with?

  15. ok,first for NIKHIL- you are compatible with the sun signs virgo,taurus,scorpio,and may feel attracted to're opposite is cancer,and if you fall in love with a cancerian,it will last a lifetime,and you both will complement each other beautifully.also compatible with fellow capricorns.try to be a little more open and warm in your romantic approach,as most capricorn men can be too cold at times.

  16. VISHAL- i need to know the dates of your exams for that.but, since you're an aquarian born with the number 4,you're probably super-intelligent,though scatter-brained and,pay attention to details and don't get dreamy or have a brilliant mind,which is very analytical,like,for research n all,but forgetful at times....i need to know your stream to tell you about career options.but aquarians do well at research-a lot of great scientists were born under your sign,so you could get into medical,engineering ,or any other scientific thing. you're very intelligent.your moon sign[moon sign rules your emotions,and sun sign rules character] is also aquarius,so you're airy and unpredictable in each and every,try to set definite goals for yourself and don't get confused,distracted and don't deviate from your goals-FOCUS.aquarians are very unique and inventive,and can have the wildest ideas at times-so you'd make a great designer,too!however,aquarians are humanitarians,and they want to do good for the whole of mankind,like saving the environment,finding a cure for cancer,or anything!plus,you would love a job where you could travel constantly,because aquarians like change.but don't put your studies away,even for a second,or get distracted.and there's no such thing as luck-if you work hard,then you'll do's called KARMA in get what you give.
    as for love,you're compatible with libra,gemini,sagittarius and should avoid taureans and scorpios. your opposite is leo,and you'll have a love hate relationship with them.aquarians are very unconventional when it comes to their "style" of loving-and aquarius is the sign of the uni-sex,hence,they're a little bith of both male and female!so,you are equally comfortable with your friends of both genders,and a lot of aquarians are also homosexual for this reason.but,for aquarius,love doesn't means mushy romance.aquarians want,and need their love to be their best friend,and their buddy.aquarians are not intense people,because they are of the air element,hence,like air,they have their own course-which can change anytime.but friendship is the most important relationship for them.
    give me the details i've asked for,and i'll tell you some more for WHEN you'll find love,i really can't say anything-love works in mysterious ways,and happens when you least expect it.but i'm sure you'll like that-aquarians love surprises :)

  17. rukmini sengupta

    dob: 7th june 1993

    time: 10:30am

    place : kolkata(west bengal)

    my first question is wat carrer options are suitable for me and would i be able to compete for iit??

  18. Hey!!! okay will i be a lawyer? as in is it a good career option for me?

    name: veethi vyas

    d o b: 1st september 1992

    time: 4 pm

    day: i think tuesday

    Place: Dhanbad.

    Thanks :)

  19. @ PLUGGED GAL,A.K.A. RUKMINI- as a gemini with a capricorn moon sign,you are very cunning and're a good strategist, and can even be sly at times.i think politics would be a good career option for you.iit,not so much, because ,according to your birth chart,you are not brilliantly intelligent or inventive-you are,however,quite ambitious,so if you really want to do iit,then you'll have work hard and slog,and get focused-because geminis are very changeable and confused,once you decide that you want to do iit,then good for are a disciplined person inside ,and very witty because of your gemini influence.geminis are clever and adapt should use the talents you have,and i don't think iit is the best place for that.being a gemini,you're a good communicator and sales or commerce is a good option for you,since mercury,the ruler of gemini, also rules commerce,trade and communication.getting a business degree,or a job where you have to interact with people,would be good for you.also,being a number 7,you work best,and can shoulder loads of responsibility when people appreciate your work-you can't deal with people shouting at you and pressurizing you,so ,doing iit,and then getting a job in a private mnc will prove pretty thankless and futile to you-it will not make you happy,it will only bring money. you can try doing something related to business or the media,because you will really shine in these fields.but please remember: we make our own,if you really want to do something then there's no rule in astrology which says that you can't.if you feel that doing iit is best and most interesting,then go ahead.but according to astrology, mass communication and MBA would be better options for you.think it over,look it up on the net,and then make up your mind.don't let others tell you what to do,because you're the one who's going to be doing the job,so you must decide.don't leave a task half-done,because geminis are impatient and changeable,so try and be steadier and less reckless,whatever profession you choose.

  20. @ VEETHI V- you're a virgo,and your jupiter is also in virgo[jupiter represents where we get lucky,or the best,shiniest part of our personality],so you're great at paying attention to details and being a perfectionist,and polishing things up to also means that you're intelligent and witty-so,since you can see other people's flaws so clearly,you can express these flaws pretty humorously at're critical of everything,even yourself,though you express your criticism very politely,because your mercury[which rules communication abilities],is in libra[librans give very balanced and diplomatic answers].your mars[which rules basic energies] is in gemini,and geminis are super energetic and speedy-they work hard and party hard.they don't need a lot of sleep to rejuvenate themselves,and can be impatient at'll make a good lawyer,because virgos like truth and they can be hair-splitters when it comes to argument-what is right is RIGHT according to the virgo person.they are very dogmatic and always stick to the rules.and should they ever make a mistake,they keep punishing themselves for it. and since your mercury is in libra,you'll be very good at presenting both sides of the argument and debating till you reach a just and fair conclusion.don't be afraid of making mistakes,whatever you is a pretty good option for you,and astrologically,your stars are quite supportive.
    however,as a number 1 person,you're very creative,and since your moon sign is scorpio,you may be interested in investigative and criminal law,as well as photography[all three water signs[scorpio,pisces and cancer],and gemini,make good photographers].you have a gemini influence as well[mars],so photography is also a good choice.because you have a libra influence in mercury,and another one in venus,that means you have a good sense of colour and are good at winning arguments as are intelligent and creative,and can think,law is a good option,and photography a great hobby,which you can cultivate later on. you can do either of these things,but you need to decide,because the libra and gemini influences in your birth chart make you indecisive and confused,and the virgo influences,impatient.all these influences,do,however,make you very are good at using logic,as well as intuition.

  21. Malika



    t.o.b-1:04 p.m

    will i be able 2 score well in my prez starting 4m 5th...and specially maths..wich is on 13th of jan

    also hw will i do in my bordz in d yr '10

  22. thanx stuti for your advice.It really made me think over my objectives.U r doing a great job..keep it up!!

  23. these are the pre board will i do in the exams...??

    06th jan- economics
    08th jan- pol. sc.
    12th jan- eng.
    14th jan- accountancy
    19th jan- business studies
    21st jan- accountancy practicals

    akanksha priyam

    10th may 1991

    birth place:Bhagalpur

  24. OMG!! Thank you so much stuti!! I'll always remember your this comment.. Thank you so much.. it seems you must have done some study on my zodiac signs.. Thank you so much.. as per your advice..i'll try for law.. and go for some photography :) Thank you so so sooo much.. you are the besssstttttteesssttt buddyy!!! :D

  25. MALLIKA- you'll do well in maths ,or it'll be easy for you-anyhow,you'll be satisfied with your work,because,it's on 13th,the same date as your birthdate. as for your pre-boards,study COMPREHENSIVELY-do more than required,and study extra stuff as much as you can,because the year 2010 is the year of jupiter[2010 adds up to 3,the number of jupiter] and jupiter rules expansion and vastness,and also higher,the stars are very supportive for students next's more than likely that most of us will spend next year studying,studying and studying!
    i can give you details about ur boards only if you give me the dates of the exams-but remember one thing:don't study with the objective of mugging up.spend time on actually LEARNING and understanding what you study.and also,there is no replacement for hard work.write the paper honestly and truthfully,because jupiter rules that also-the smallest dishonesty will be punished severely. be careful if you have an exam on the 1st,10th,19th or 28th of any month-study extra hard for that,and don't get dreamy and distracted,because no. 4 people[13 adds up to 4] tend to that.

    DATE-4TH MARCH,1993
    TIME-02:50 AM

  27. Boards time table
    Thursday, 04th March, 2010 - 10:30 AM BUSINESS STUDIES 054
    Saturday, 06th March, 2010 - 10:30 AM POLITICAL SCIENCE 028
    Wednesday, 10th March, 2010 - 10:30 AM ENGLISH CORE 301
    Thursday, 18th March, 2010 - 10:30 AM ECONOMICS 030
    Monday, 29th March, 2010 - 10:30 AM ACCOUNTANCY 055

    so...what do you say...will the stars favor me????

  28. ferheen athar
    dob- 8 october 1991
    time- 7:50 am
    place- patna

    cud u plz tell me what should i take up as a career? lyk, shud i pursue engg or go for eco or eng honours?
    nd wht will happen to me as a writer?

  29. cud u tell me the compatibility btwn-
    16 april 1987 (female) and
    24 august 1982 (male)


    8 october(female) and 24 august(male)

  30. RITIKA RANJAN- as a pisces,you may feel pressurized to opt for a career option which others have picked for you.Pisceans often do this,because they get heavily influenced by other people,and they want to please everybody,so they sacrifice their wishes for other people's happiness.Pisceans have great imagination, and that's why ,they do extremely well in creative fields. they are not business-minded,or cunning,strategic don't go for some run-of the mill accountant's ,or banker's job-you are made for special things. Cultivate your talents and indulge in creative pursuits,be it music,art,photography,acting-pisceans have great scope in these other areas,you run the risk of remaining mediocre,unhappy and dissatisfied.Also, the symbol of the sun sign Pisces,is two fish swimming in opposite directions.This is a symbolic representation of your life.Pisceans spend half their life doing one thing,and then,somewhere in the middle,they realise what they really want to do with their life,and they change direction-like the symbolic fish,and start swimming in the opposite direction.So,even if you become a famous photographer[there is a lot of scope for this in your birthchart,and you should definitely give it a try],you may,at some point,decide to make some change in your body of work,just the way aamir khan[also a pisces],changed the kind of movies he does,after a point in his career.You would also make an excellent and understanding counselor or psychologist,because you understand human emotions well,but dislike seeing the sad and unahppy side of things.You could also try for social work or medicals,because you sympathise with the poor and needy and unloved,and are always ready to give them your time.
    As for your compatibility,don't expect a lot from this relationship,or this person,because Aquarius[4th feb] is too insensitive and aloof,for a deep and emotional person like you.This person may seem detached and distracted to you,and has too many abstract concepts and ideas in his head,for your liking.Although this person is very intelligent,you should not let yourself turn into a pushover for ANYONE.However,love conquers all,so if you really like each other,then try to make adjustments! a plus is that your birth numbers are compatible. and even if things don't work out,always remember-it was a learning experience.

  31. AKANSHA - you'll do well in business studies,but you might feel lazy that day,and not study for the next paper,so beware of that.don't take pol sc. have to work very hard for that paper.english will be a long paper,and extremely vast,so be prepared.
    just remember one thing,don't have selfish are born under the number 1 ,and it is a very powerful number,but only if you use it for selfless purposes.all the best,and study hard,because there's no such thing as luck-we make our own destiny.

  32. Manu Priya


    time: 6:05 am


    how is the year 2010 going to be for me...esp april and may...

  33. Manu priya- to be blunt,it's going to be a tough can't use your quick glibness and wits to your advantage this year as much as you usually do. things will be too big,or vast in some way,for you to tackle need to face the truth and be completely honest and have genuine and good intentions.
    actually,this year's number is 3[ruled by big and expansive jupiter],and your number is 5[ruled by tiny and quick mercury],and these two are opposites,completely different in nature.
    embrace your sporty and straightforward,adventurous Aries side,and deal with this year.don't try to self-deceive ,and keep in touch with reality,and say and do what you think is right-this is a good year for that.
    no need to be a just need to have good intentions,not a whole lot of wits and cleverness to get through this year.But things will happen on a much BIGGER level this year because Jupiter rules expansion,so don't try to escape,and be prepared for the vast expanse of things you're about to could be anything-studies,a new city,a relationship.things will happen fast,and on a really huge level.your mercurial instinct will tell you to run and hide,but don't.
    This year will make you a much more balanced person,and teach you,that sometimes,there are no shortcuts and quick-and-easy ways,and we must take the long route ,too.

  34. Visha- you are extremely shrewd by nature,being guided by intelligent libra,and strategically-thinking Saturn[number 8],so Economics will not be a bad option as such.But,you will be much happier doing literature,and will also be able to contribute more in this field,because librans are essentially idealists,who UNDERSTAND literature and like to read and write,and as a number 8,you might have a talent for writing[a lot of number 8 people do].Librans make great connoisseurs of art,sculptures and literauture,because they have a knack and taste for these things,more than other people do.A lot of people can do economics,but not a lot of people are blessed enough to express their feelings through writing,and neither do a lot of people understand and take as much joy in reading about other people and their stories,as you do.The stars are extremely supportive of you taking up fact,they're almost urging to do so!

  35. Name: Monisha Priya Srivastava
    DoB: 05-Feb-1987
    Place of Birth - Asansol (West Bengal)
    Time of Birth - 21:30

    What do you think about my future career prospects and my future relationships?

  36. hmmm stuti actually there has been a minor fault my birth time is 7:30 am not 10:30 am

  37. rukmini-doesn't matter,your moon is still in capricorn....the moon changed signs at 7:40 that day,so it's ok..:)

  38. Visha- compatibility-24th August male is not "traditionally" compatible with either of the dates.But,it MIGHT be compatible with 16th april-but i need the birth time of this person for that[as in,the female's]....even then,aries and virgo are not essentially compatible....aries is too rash by temperament,and virgos are people constantly worrying about the problems of life,constantly critical of themselves-and these two are of the elements earth and fire,which don't blend well with each other.
    as for libra and virgo,a libra person can be a soothing influence on the troubled virgo person,with their tact and diplomacy and virgo and libra CAN sometimes get along well.but you will have to call upon your great libra powers of charm,tact and compromise to deal with this person's dark moods,as he has a scoprio moon sign,and scorpio can be too intense and passionate for airy libra[which is your sun sign and your moon sign].
    so,if two people really CARE,they can make things work no matter what.

  39. MP- i cannot predict the future for anybody,because we all make our own will become what you want to be in life,not what some fraudbaaz astrologer tells you.we all have it within us.i can only tell you your compatibility with different sun signs and what career options will be good for you,and will interest you.
    you can almost go for ANY career option,because your sun sign aquarius,is a great supporter of inventions,discovery,science and environmental protection, your moon sign,taurus,is great for creative things,especially those related to nature,and the five senses:taste,touch,hearing,smelland vision,like cooking,painting,writing[esp. poetry,etc.],singing or playing an instrument, as well as banking and things to do with money,because taurus is excellent at managing money.on top of that,your number is 5,ruled by the planet mercury,which rules commerce and communication,so you also have great scope in sales and marketing,too,and also the media! the only problem with you might be that you're confused and moody as a person,but your habits are fixed and unchangeable-you don't get strayed easily and you always do what YOU want to,not what people tell you have a lotta options,so you can pick from these.i suggest you pick something which you really enjoy doing,because you're the kinda person who will wake up one fine morning and decide to quit your job because it no longer fascinates you and you're don't choose something just for money,choose something you really,really like.
    as for compatibility, you'll get along well with libra males,aries males, geminis[but it also depends on their moon sign],sagittarians[you'll gel REALLY well with them],you may find leos attractive but obnoxious ,and you may share a love-hate relationship with them,because they're your opposites,and your respective moon signs will decide if you're compatible or not.

  40. Hi Stuti,
    Thanks a lot for all the advice. I am currently doing my 4th year engineering at IIT Kharagpur. I will be sitting for placements by Dec this year and I will also be taking the CAT exam during Nov-Dec this year. Can u tell me how good will times be for me from maybe Nov '10 to around Feb '11?

  41. Name: Ujjwal Kumar
    DoB: 09-07-1987
    Place of Birth - Dumraon, Buxar District, Bihar
    Time of Birth - 5:02pm

    I have never seen/heard of anyone who can tell anything unexplained by science, would be delighted if you can tell something cool. Can you tell me what sort of career suits me the most?

    Thanks in advance for free counseling, you can actually start a business out of it.

  42. MP- 2010 may not be a great year for you,but it will definitely teach you a lot of lessons about life,and make you an extremely balanced person,and when you think about it later,it will have proved to be a boon.try to be less twisted and more straightforward this year,and instead of using your cunning and clever techniques,take the the long route and do things with forthrightness and truthful even when you know it'll get you into trouble,because this is the year of Jupiter,which blesses its children with lots of good luck when they've been honest,and the world has been cruel to them.Most important of all,have good intentions and be optimistic-only then will you get lucky!This year is great for discovering your spiritual side and cultivating it,and, since Jupiter also rules higher education,this is a year for degrees and diplomas.This year may feel like a challenge,and a steep,uphill climb,but it will enrich your personality like no other will really help you grow as a person and be a learning experience.
    As for 2011 and 2012,BOTH will be very good years,and they'll bring excellent opportunities with for you,and will provide you with many chances to excel at whatever you do.[i know you didn't ask about 2012,but it's going to be an emotional year for you,and a really great one,so i'm mentioning it].people will appreciate you the way you are during BOTH these years,and you will achieve a lot ,too.make the most of these two years because they're excellent years.there's no way that you'll lose in these two years-so grab every opportunity you get,and turn it into a victory.

  43. UJJWALKUMAR- you're a cancerian and Cancerians like things which are green-like money.or gardening.they also like cooking.but what they ultimately seek in life is security-emotional,material,all kinds of security.they retreat into their crab's shells' when their security is threatened,or they snap loudly,startling those around them.Cancerians are leaders,so they find it difficult do follow or take orders from other people,even though they appear to be meek most of the times[dhoni and ganguly are cancerians].
    my advice would be,do something which brings you money,because that would probably make you feel happy and can also try professional cooking,comedy[cancerians have a crazy,and GREAT sense of humour, and what's better than making others happy!]gardening[like botany,etc...and research on plants,or something],and photography.cancerians thoroughly enjoy clicking photographs,and a lot of famous photographers happen to be cancerians,geminis and pisceans.these people are very talented at capturing life's moments in film,and take great joy in doing so.the good thing is,as a cancerian,you have a lot of creative options which you'll excel at professionally.bad thing is,you probably won't opt for these options for fear of failing because you feel you're not going to be good enough to be paid a lot, or become famous,so why do it? might as well get a run-of-the-mill job which pays the bills and brings in some extra cash to save for a rainy day.
    think about it,and figure out your priorities and are an unusually determined person,and can put in a great amount of effort when you want to achieve something,much more than other people think you're capable of [helen keller was also a cancerian].you're a moody and deep person,but you can be temperamental and snappy at times,too.

  44. UJJWALKUMAR-try and believe in yourself a little more,and also in those who love's not always good to be overly cautious.don't always think about cash-there are things which matter more.and be less sensitive,and learn to get back up when you fall,without shedding a tear.

  45. @Red Scorpio, I appreciate you taking time to study my profile, its indeed a good analysis. let me introduce myself, I am ujjwal, 4th year undergraduate student at IIT Kharagpur (Industrial Engineering) (logon to for more information). well, I like to make money, but its not my prime motive. I am very particular about the quality of work I am doing, and I don't compromise on quality at any cost. Either I won't accept a work that doesn't seem interesting to me, or I if I take a work, I do it with utmost dedication.

    Photography, umm, u were correct on that. Photography is one of my all time passions (apart from music). Recently when I went to Canada, I bought a DSLR, which clicks very well, and I am happy to own that camera.

    I think you got it all wrong on security. I am one of the guys who doesn't want security at all at any point of time in life. I like challenges, and they make my life meaningful. There is no second thought about it. I think I have developed this trait, which might not be common to cancerians.

    Sense of humor, hmm, thats correct. I find people liking my typical sense of humor. Creativity is certainly one thing that I will never lose in life.

    ya, I don't always think about cash. as said above, "quality first, output second". like currently I am working for a Canadian, and he pays me $25 an hour for the work. do the work honestly and with dedication (and determination), money follows automatically.

    Thanks again for preparing the analysis. Can you shed some light on life-partner compatibility?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. NEHA SANJAY-Business studies will be great :)...accountancy pe you have no control...because it's on twenty ninth,and that is the number of if your karma is good,then the day and exam will go well....Prepare REALLY well for English,and write the paper with confidence,because that might not be a great day....the rest of the days look fine.:)
    but remember one thing,none of these things matter if you've HONESTLY worked hard.that is the only thing which matters.if you've got good intentions this year,and are brave and truthful,2010 will shower lots of luck on you.

  48. UJJWAL KUMAR -just because i said that you like security,doesn't mean that you're a means that you won't throw your future for your job,you are probably doing it for the PROMISE it brings for your future,which,again,is security.job money,i mean material comforts.we all need them.and cancer,capricorn,virgo and taurus accumulate them. i do not mean that you are a greedy're just very good with money,and you spend selectively,on the things you either NEED,or want very badly. when i say you want security,it means that you want to make sure that you've got everything covered,NOT that you hide under a blanket all day and sit and cry for mommy...and if you like adventure,you should try water might prove very exciting for for compatibility,pleease give me your partner's birthdate

  49. Prince Chauhan
    DoB: 19 march 1992
    Place of Birth : Gurgaon(Haryana)
    Time of Birth : 02 : 40 pm

    I have a summer internship offer from a university in Barcelona,but my parents won't let me go on my psychiatrist's advice .So what do my stars say whether i should go or not.

    Another question : I'm not sure that i want to pursue a career in engineering.I am more interested in painting and designing. So should i pursue a career in engineering or leave that for my passion i.e. painting

  50. hello

    new delhi
    Iam trying to start my own business as a business provider related to under earth materials like ironscraps,ores ,magnese etc to indian & foriegn companies & buyers n suppliers but unable to seek any oppurtunity i also want to be into construction business there also no way forward . i want to know by when will i get any oppurtunity to start in either fronts. i always go throught stuck n unmovable phases before doing anything as if somthing is stopping me from moving farwrd. will i see this all my life ?
