Tuesday, December 22, 2009

famous geminis-[from top]: Kanye West,Rahul Gandhi,Shilpa Shetty,Heidi Klum,Vj Nikhil,Nicole Kidman,Lindsay Lohan,Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen,Angelina Jolie,Prince William,Johnny Depp.

Famous Taurus Personalities

from top: Uma Thurman,Shakespeare,Jessica Alba,Rabindranath Tagore,Jessica Stam,Kate Bosworth,Megan Fox,David Beckham,Robert Pattinson.
Other famous Taureans include:Ricardo Kaka,Audrey Hepburn,Madhuri Dixit,Kelly Clarkson,etc.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009


TAURUS-the Bull
After Aries the infant,comes Taurus the baby.On the symbolic level,the soul has now become a healthy,chubby baby,who has learnt to sleep on schedule,and wake to anticipated comfort.Taurus waits for things patiently,in sure,quiet and confident anticipation.Taurus doesn't forget what has been learnt,however painfully and slowly.Still essentially unaware of anything outside the immediate environment,the Taurus person[like the symbolic baby ] finds comfort and happiness in the family circle and the tangible-in what is known to be familiar,rather than the strange and noisy world.The soul discovers the delight of using the senses of tasting,smelling,seeing,hearing and touching.This is why Taureans yearn for comfort,on a physcial as well as emotional level.They have fine-tuned hearing abilities ,which is why they make great musicians and singers.All these five senses are extremely sensitive,and too much noise,colours which are too bright,and food which isn't cooked well,can disturb them greatly.Since they have a great sense of colour and taste,they make excellent artists and cooks,especially gourmet chefs. Taurus is also attached to nature,and is romantic at heart so they make great poets and writers[Shakespeare and Tagore were Taureans] ,especially if their Mercury is in a good position[mercury rules communication abilities and commerce].
Taurus is attached to the tangible,and is materialistic by nature.Money and material possessions matter a great deal to them.So,they are enormously dependent on physical contact with loved ones-to be held,cuddled and kissed. They can extremely possessive-about their toys,parents,bank account,mate,favourite place on the couch,etc.-depending on their age and priorities, and will refuse to share these things with anyone.
The best thing about a Taurean is their patience.It is a lesson which other sun signs need to learn from taurus.A taurus man can wait for the love of his life with infinite patience and incredible tenacity.They have incredible steadfastness and conviction.They stick to what they say and decide.However,they need to learn that everything is not black and white,and that there are many dimensions to the truth.They need to become flexible and open-minded,and give up the orthodox and beaten path,because this can,and often does, become blind prejudice,obstinacy and lack of reason.They are usually conservative and dogmatic by nature,not to mention extremely cautious.This is because they are insecure feel the need to protect and preserve all their possessions,not to mention their loved ones.They seek security in life-both emotional and material.It is difficult for them to change their mind once they've come to a decision,which is why they can't forgive or forget easily.This a dark and evil thing,and that is the lesson they need to learn in life-to learn to forgive and forget.
Taurus is extremely business minded and good with money,and likes to keep the money in the bank,spending only on comfortable and plush homes and furniture[in pastels,of course-barring a Sagittarius,aries,leo or aquarius influence.] ,and good food.Taurus is impressed by evrything big-homes,cars,buildings,and so on.
Speaking of big,Taureans have an insatiable and BIIIG appetite for food,and - love.However much love they get,they're always greedy for more of it,especially physical affection.As for the food,they should watch the quantity of food they consume,because they have robust digestive systems which will keep on digesting all they eat-so they need to know when to stop.Taurus is an Earth sign,so they like nature,and their bodies are closely linked to the rhythmic cycles of the earth.Hence,they should eat according to seasons-warm foods in winter and cooling foods in summer.They need rest to rejuvenate themselves,and need to control mental depression and not push themselves to work round the clock,because,in spite of their determination,they're people belonging to the element Earth,which has limited energy and needs to recharge itself.
Taurus also has a rich sense of humour-for instance,they are very likely to laugh when they see someone slipping on a banana peel,etc.[it's their idea of funny.sarcasm and twisted jokes don't really succeed in entertaining them in quite the same way].
Taurus associates love with all pleasure and happiness,just the way a Baby does,so he or she glories in it with an uncomplicated,animal-like appreciation.Therefore,Taurus accepts and returns love with all the five senses-but hasn't understood the value and worth of love on a higher,spiritual level.
Taurus is a Fixed sign,so Taureans make good organizers and are good at delegating. It also means that they are dependable and stick to their ideas and views.Taurus is slow,steady and sure-not impulsive,or flashy.Nice smells ,lots of affection and being sweetly cuddled and spoken to, makes their stuffy stubbornness melt away and makes them giggly,docile and completely manageable.
Taurus is sensual by nature,and needs physical comfort and affection in love.

Compatible with- Scorpio of the opposite sex,sometimes as friends,too of the same sex if both are females.[the sexiest sign of the zodiac is a good companion for taurus as they are opposites.however,both need to curb their stubbornness and refusal to say sorry],capricorn,virgo,cancer.also pisces. taurus also gets along well with aries sometimes, and can find sagittarius physically attractive and is somewhat compatible with sag too.not compatible with leo and aquarius,gemini.[but there's no point telling a taurean that-they refuse to listen to anyone when they fall in love :)]
Colours-light blue,soft pink,pastels,earth colours like dark green,etc.
planet-venus[temporary],apollo[undiscovered as of now]

Saturday, December 5, 2009

ARIES ,The first sign of the zodiac

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.Thus ,it represents spring and birth.So, Aries is the infant of the zodiac.It needs to be fed,clothed and taken care of and paid attention to at all times.Since it isn't aware of anything outside itself,Arians can often be selfish,but not intentionally.They can also be very demanding for the same reason-a baby will scream and cry for it's needs to be fulfilled,and adult Arians are no exception to this.
The element of Aries is fire,so Arians are prone to anger,and have one of the worst tempers of the zodiac,and get angry about the smallest things.They are ruled by Mars,the planet of battle,so they have a tendency of picking fights unnecessarily, and can turn into bullies unless guided properly.
Aries is a Cardinal sign,which means Arians are leaders.This means ,they are capable of inspiring others to follow them and of coming up with idea{l}s which others can build upon and follow.
However, Arians are extremely bright and witty individuals, though they don't always use their brains[Da vinci was an Aries].They are also extremely forthright,straightforward and free from deceptiveness. But, the only problem with their intelligence is that they rush into things and can be too impulsive,and overlook many facts.Aries is known for its hastiness and impatience-they must remember that good things come to those who wait.
But, the lesson Aries must learn is that there is a world outside their own,and needs other than their own, and many ways of looking at something.Aries is more than ready to give his or her opinion on anything and everything,and ever ready to boss people into agreeing with them and doing what they want others to do.
Since Aries is a fire sign,they spend money freely and are very generous with their cash,dreams and time towards others[barring a Cancer,or Earth sign influence in the birthchart].However,sometimes they spend money too freely and can waste a lot.Aries also rules one of the houses of personal appearance, so they concentrate a lot on what they wear and how they look,etc.They can,at times,be flashy.They are not cautious and rush headlong into things without thinking ,and are truly disgusted by dishonesty and backbiting. However,they are also quick to forgive and forget[barring a scorpio,cancer or taurus influence] and cool down after any temper tantrums.

Compatible with- Leo,Sagittarius,Gemini,Aquarius,and Libra of the opposite sex.Makes a good team with Scorpio.Never gets along with Capricorn,Cancer. Sometimes gets along well with Taurus as well.
Colours- Crimson red,Ruby red,pure white,true blue.

mariah carey,celine dion,kate hudson,jaya bachchan,linda goodman,keira knightley,victoria beckham,kristen stewart,emma watson and leonardo da vinci are some famous arians.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Astrologize your life !

Just post in your name, birth date,birth time and place of birth for your zodiac analysis,free of cost. [does not include full horoscope]. Just post in your question[s] and the analysis you want-name numerology,birth numerology,astrological analysis,relationship and compatibility,or just general queries regarding astrology, and i shall try my best to solve them. :)